201 |
Leucopternis occidentalis |
Gray-backed Hawk |
Accipitridae |
202 |
Buteogallus subtilis |
Mangrove Black-Hawk |
Accipitridae |
203 |
Buteogallus urubitinga |
Great Black-Hawk |
Accipitridae |
204 |
Buteogallus meridionalis |
Savanna Hawk |
Accipitridae |
205 |
Harpyhaliaetus solitarius |
Solitary Eagle |
Accipitridae |
206 |
Busarellus nigricollis |
Black-collared Hawk |
Accipitridae |
Pastaza records added |
207 |
Geranoaetus melanoleucus |
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle |
Accipitridae |
208 |
Parabuteo unicinctus |
Harris's Hawk |
Accipitridae |
209 |
Buteo magnirostris |
Roadside Hawk |
Accipitridae |
210 |
Buteo platypterus |
Broad-winged Hawk |
Accipitridae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
211 |
Buteo nitidus |
Gray Hawk |
Accipitridae |
212 |
Buteo leucorrhous |
White-rumped Hawk |
Accipitridae |
213 |
Buteo brachyurus |
Short-tailed Hawk |
Accipitridae |
214 |
Buteo albigula |
White-throated Hawk |
Accipitridae |
215 |
Buteo swainsoni |
Swainson's Hawk |
Accipitridae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
216 |
Buteo albicaudatus |
White-tailed Hawk |
Accipitridae |
no shading, only plotting the point (Pampas de Heath) |
217 |
Buteo polyosoma |
Red-backed Hawk |
Accipitridae |
218 |
Buteo poecilochrous |
Puna Hawk |
Accipitridae |
combined map for 217-218 |
219 |
Buteo albonotatus |
Zone-tailed Hawk |
Accipitridae |
Maraņon records added |
220 |
Morphnus guianensis |
Crested Eagle |
Accipitridae |
221 |
Harpia harpyja |
Harpy Eagle |
Accipitridae |
shading trimmed in western Amazonia |
222 |
Spizastur melanoleucus |
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle |
Accipitridae |
shading trimmed from north of the Amazon |
223 |
Spizaetus tyrannus |
Black Hawk-Eagle |
Accipitridae |
224 |
Spizaetus ornatus |
Ornate Hawk-Eagle |
Accipitridae |
225 |
Oroaetus isidori |
Black-and-chestnut Eagle |
Accipitridae |
226 |
Daptrius ater |
Black Caracara |
Falconidae |
227 |
Ibycter americanus |
Red-throated Caracara |
Falconidae |
228 |
Phalcoboenus megalopterus |
Mountain Caracara |
Falconidae |
229 |
Caracara cheriway |
Crested Caracara |
Falconidae |
230 |
Caracara plancus |
Southern Caracara |
Falconidae |
231 |
Milvago chimachima |
Yellow-headed Caracara |
Falconidae |
shading trimmed from the Yavari drainage |
232 |
Herpetotheres cachinnans |
Laughing Falcon |
Falconidae |
233 |
Micrastur ruficollis |
Barred Forest-Falcon |
Falconidae |
234 |
Micrastur gilvicollis |
Lined Forest-Falcon |
Falconidae |
235 |
Micrastur mirandollei |
Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon |
Falconidae |
236 |
Micrastur semitorquatus |
Collared Forest-Falcon |
Falconidae |
237 |
Micrastur buckleyi |
Buckley's Forest-Falcon |
Falconidae |
238 |
Falco sparverius |
American Kestrel |
Falconidae |
239 |
Falco columbarius |
Merlin |
Falconidae |
no shading, only plotting the points (northern migrant) |
240 |
Falco rufigularis |
Bat Falcon |
Falconidae |
241 |
Falco femoralis |
Aplomado Falcon |
Falconidae |
242 |
Falco deiroleucus |
Orange-breasted Falcon |
Falconidae |
243 |
Falco peregrinus |
Peregrine Falcon |
Falconidae |
shading for Andes, and coast of central Peru; vertical hatching (northern migrant) for all of Peru |
244 |
Aramus guarauna |
Limpkin |
Aramidae |
245 |
Psophia crepitans |
Gray-winged Trumpeter |
Psophiidae |
246 |
Psophia leucoptera |
Pale-winged Trumpeter |
Psophiidae |
247 |
Micropygia schomburgkii |
Ocellated Crake |
Rallidae |
no shading, only plotting the point (Pampas de Heath); "blip" of shading for the field guide map |
248 |
Rallus longirostris |
Clapper Rail |
Rallidae |
249 |
Rallus limicola |
Virginia Rail |
Rallidae |
250 |
Rallus semiplumbeus |
Bogota Rail |
Rallidae |
NO MAP; no certain locality |
251 |
Aramides cajanea |
Gray-necked Wood-Rail |
Rallidae |
252 |
Aramides axillaris |
Rufous-necked Wood-Rail |
Rallidae |
253 |
Aramides calopterus |
Red-winged Wood-Rail |
Rallidae |
no shading, only plotting the (scattered) points; blips of shading for the field guide map |
add boca Urubamba point |
254 |
Amaurolimnas concolor |
Uniform Crake |
Rallidae |
add Pomara point |
255 |
Anurolimnas castaneiceps |
Chestnut-headed Crake |
Rallidae |
256 |
Laterallus jamaicensis |
Black Rail |
Rallidae |
257 |
Laterallus exilis |
Gray-breasted Crake |
Rallidae |
258 |
Laterallus melanophaius |
Rufous-sided Crake |
Rallidae |
add Sarayacu point |
259 |
Laterallus fasciatus |
Black-banded Crake |
Rallidae |
260 |
Laterallus viridis |
Russet-crowned Crake |
Rallidae |
261 |
Porzana albicollis |
Ash-throated Crake |
Rallidae |
no shading, only plotting the two points; blips of shading for the field guide map |
262 |
Porzana carolina |
Sora |
Rallidae |
no shading, only plotting the points (northern migrant) |
add Vegueta point |
263 |
Neocrex erythrops |
Paint-billed Crake |
Rallidae |
264 |
Pardirallus maculatus |
Spotted Rail |
Rallidae |
265 |
Pardirallus nigricans |
Blackish Rail |
Rallidae |
266 |
Pardirallus sanguinolentus |
Plumbeous Rail |
Rallidae |
267 |
Gallinula chloropus |
Common Gallinule |
Rallidae |
268 |
Gallinula melanops |
Spot-flanked Gallinule |
Rallidae |
NO MAP; no certain locality (no records for Peru?) |
269 |
Porphyrio martinica |
Purple Gallinule |
Rallidae |
270 |
Porphyrio flavirostris |
Azure Gallinule |
Rallidae |
horizontal hatching (intratropical migrant) |
271 |
Fulica rufifrons |
Red-fronted Coot |
Rallidae |
no shading, only plotting the point (Mejia) |
272 |
Fulica gigantea |
Giant Coot |
Rallidae |
273 |
Fulica ardesiaca |
Slate-colored Coot |
Rallidae |
add Cajamarca site |
274 |
Heliornis fulica |
Sungrebe |
Heliornithidae |
275 |
Eurypyga helias |
Sunbittern |
Eurypygidae |
276 |
Jacana jacana |
Wattled Jacana |
Jacanidae |
277 |
Haematopus palliatus |
American Oystercatcher |
Haematopodidae |
278 |
Haematopus ater |
Blackish Oystercatcher |
Haematopodidae |
279 |
Himantopus mexicanus |
Black-necked Stilt |
Recurvirostridae |
280 |
Recurvirostra andina |
Andean Avocet |
Recurvirostridae |
281 |
Burhinus superciliaris |
Peruvian Thick-knee |
Burhinidae |
282 |
Hoploxypterus cayanus |
Pied Lapwing |
Charadriidae |
283 |
Vanellus chilensis |
Southern Lapwing |
Charadriidae |
no shading, only plotting the points? |
284 |
Vanellus resplendens |
Andean Lapwing |
Charadriidae |
285 |
Pluvialis dominica |
American Golden-Plover |
Charadriidae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
286 |
Pluvialis squatarola |
Black-bellied Plover |
Charadriidae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
287 |
Charadrius semipalmatus |
Semipalmated Plover |
Charadriidae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
288 |
Charadrius wilsonia |
Wilson's Plover |
Charadriidae |
289 |
Charadrius vociferus |
Killdeer |
Charadriidae |
290 |
Charadrius alexandrinus |
Snowy Plover |
Charadriidae |
291 |
Charadrius collaris |
Collared Plover |
Charadriidae |
292 |
Charadrius alticola |
Puna Plover |
Charadriidae |
293 |
Charadrius modestus |
Rufous-chested Dotterel |
Charadriidae |
no shading, only plotting the points |
294 |
Phegornis mitchellii |
Diademed Sandpiper-Plover |
Charadriidae |
295 |
Oreopholus ruficollis |
Tawny-throated Dotterel |
Charadriidae |
296 |
Gallinago paraguaiae |
South American Snipe |
Scolopacidae |
297 |
Gallinago andina |
Puna Snipe |
Scolopacidae |
298 |
Gallinago nobilis |
Noble Snipe |
Scolopacidae |
299 |
Gallinago jamesoni |
Andean Snipe |
Scolopacidae |
300 |
Gallinago imperialis |
Imperial Snipe |
Scolopacidae |