1699 |
Atlapetes rufinucha |
Rufous-naped Brush-Finch |
Emberizidae |
combined map for 1699, 1709-1710 |
1700 |
Atlapetes rufigenis |
Rufous-eared Brush-Finch |
Emberizidae |
combined map for 1700-1701 |
1701 |
Atlapetes rufigenis forbesi |
Emberizidae |
combined map for 1700-1701 |
1702 |
Atlapetes melanopsis |
Black-spectacled Brush-Finch |
Emberizidae |
no shading, only plotting the point; "blip" of shading for the field guide map |
1703 |
Atlapetes schistaceus taczanowskii |
Slaty Brush-Finch |
Emberizidae |
1704 |
Atlapetes leucopterus |
White-winged Brush-Finch |
Emberizidae |
1705 |
Atlapetes albiceps |
White-headed Brush-Finch |
Emberizidae |
1706 |
Atlapetes seebohmi |
Bay-crowned Brush-Finch |
Emberizidae |
1707 |
Atlapetes nationi |
Rusty-bellied Brush-Finch |
Emberizidae |
1708 |
Atlapetes schistaceus cangenis |
Emberizidae |
combined map for 1703 and 1708 |
1709 |
Atlapetes rufinucha terborghi |
Emberizidae |
combined map for 1699, 1709-1710 |
1710 |
Atlapetes rufinucha melanolaemus |
Emberizidae |
combined map for 1699, 1709-1710 |
1711 |
Coryphaspiza melanotis |
Black-masked Finch |
Emberizidae |
no shading, only plotting the point (Pampas de Heath); "blip" of shading for the field guide map |
1712 |
Coryphospingus cucullatus |
Red-crested Finch |
Emberizidae |
1713 |
Rhodospingus cruentus |
Crimson Finch |
Emberizidae |
1714 |
Paroaria gularis |
Red-capped Cardinal |
Emberizidae |
1715 |
Pheucticus chrysogaster |
Golden-bellied Grosbeak |
Cardinalidae |
1716 |
Pheucticus aureoventris |
Black-backed Grosbeak |
Cardinalidae |
1717 |
Pheucticus ludovicianus |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Cardinalidae |
northern migrant; no shading, only plotting the points |
1718 |
Parkerthraustes humeralis |
Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak |
Cardinalidae |
1719 |
Saltator grossus |
Slate-colored Grosbeak |
Cardinalidae |
1720 |
Saltator maximus |
Buff-throated Saltator |
Cardinalidae |
1721 |
Saltator coerulescens |
Grayish Saltator |
Cardinalidae |
1722 |
Saltator nigriceps |
Black-cowled Saltator |
Cardinalidae |
1723 |
Saltator aurantiirostris |
Golden-billed Saltator |
Cardinalidae |
add point in northern Tarapaca (Chile) |
1724 |
Saltator striatipectus |
Streaked Saltator |
Cardinalidae |
1725 |
Saltator cinctus |
Masked Saltator |
Cardinalidae |
1726 |
Cyanocompsa cyanoides |
Blue-black Grosbeak |
Cardinalidae |
1727 |
Vermivora chrysoptera |
Golden-winged Warbler |
Parulidae |
no shading, only plotting the point (northern migrant) |
1728 |
Parula pitiayumi |
Tropical Parula |
Parulidae |
1729 |
Dendroica petechia |
Yellow Warbler |
Parulidae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant); also shading (resident) for Tumbes mangroves |
1730 |
Dendroica striata |
Blackpoll Warbler |
Parulidae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
1731 |
Dendroica fusca |
Blackburnian Warbler |
Parulidae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
1732 |
Dendroica cerulea |
Cerulean Warbler |
Parulidae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
1733 |
Setophaga ruticilla |
American Redstart |
Parulidae |
no shading, only plotting the points (northern migrant) |
1734 |
Mniotilta varia |
Black-and-white Warbler |
Parulidae |
no shading, only plotting the points (northern migrant) |
1735 |
Seiurus noveboracensis |
Northern Waterthrush |
Parulidae |
no shading, only plotting the points (northern migrant) |
add Matses record |
1736 |
Oporornis agilis |
Connecticut Warbler |
Parulidae |
no shading, only plotting the points (northern migrant) |
Pachitea record added |
1737 |
Geothlypis aequinoctialis |
Masked Yellowthroat |
Parulidae |
1738 |
Wilsonia canadensis |
Canada Warbler |
Parulidae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
1739 |
Myioborus miniatus |
Slate-throated Redstart |
Parulidae |
1740 |
Myioborus melanocephalus |
Spectacled Redstart |
Parulidae |
1741 |
Basileuterus fraseri |
Gray-and-gold Warbler |
Parulidae |
1742 |
Basileuterus bivittatus |
Two-banded Warbler |
Parulidae |
1743 |
Basileuterus chrysogaster |
Golden-bellied Warbler |
Parulidae |
1744 |
Basileuterus luteoviridis |
Citrine Warbler |
Parulidae |
1745 |
Basileuterus signatus |
Pale-legged Warbler |
Parulidae |
1746 |
Basileuterus nigrocristatus |
Black-crested Warbler |
Parulidae |
1747 |
Basileuterus coronatus |
Russet-crowned Warbler |
Parulidae |
1748 |
Basileuterus tristriatus |
Three-striped Warbler |
Parulidae |
1749 |
Basileuterus trifasciatus |
Three-banded Warbler |
Parulidae |
1750 |
Phaeothlypis fulvicauda |
Buff-rumped Warbler |
Parulidae |
1751 |
Psarocolius angustifrons |
Russet-backed Oropendola |
Icteridae |
1752 |
Psarocolius atrovirens |
Dusky-green Oropendola |
Icteridae |
1753 |
Psarocolius viridis |
Green Oropendola |
Icteridae |
1754 |
Psarocolius decumanus |
Crested Oropendola |
Icteridae |
1755 |
Psarocolius bifasciatus |
Olive Oropendola |
Icteridae |
1756 |
Clypicterus oseryi |
Casqued Oropendola |
Icteridae |
add Acre and Yavari records, trim in Ene area |
1757 |
Ocyalus latirostris |
Band-tailed Oropendola |
Icteridae |
1758 |
Cacicus chrysonotus |
Mountain Cacique |
Icteridae |
combined map for 1758-1759 |
1759 |
Cacicus leucoramphus |
Icteridae |
combined map for 1758-1759 |
1760 |
Cacicus sclateri |
Ecuadorian Cacique |
Icteridae |
1761 |
Cacicus koepckeae |
Selva Cacique |
Icteridae |
1762 |
Cacicus solitarius |
Solitary Black Cacique |
Icteridae |
1763 |
Cacicus cela |
Yellow-rumped Cacique |
Icteridae |
1764 |
Cacicus haemorrhous |
Red-rumped Cacique |
Icteridae |
1765 |
Cacicus uropygialis |
Scarlet-rumped Cacique |
Icteridae |
1766 |
Amblycercus holosericeus |
Yellow-billed Cacique |
Icteridae |
1767 |
Icterus icterus |
Troupial |
Icteridae |
1768 |
Icterus graceannae |
White-edged Oriole |
Icteridae |
1769 |
Icterus mesomelas |
Yellow-tailed Oriole |
Icteridae |
1770 |
Icterus cayanensis |
Epaulet Oriole |
Icteridae |
1771 |
Icterus chrysocephalus |
Moriche Oriole |
Icteridae |
1772 |
Dives warszewiczi |
Scrub Blackbird |
Icteridae |
1773 |
Gymnomystax mexicanus |
Oriole Blackbird |
Icteridae |
1774 |
Lampropsar tanagrinus |
Velvet-fronted Grackle |
Icteridae |
add Matses record |
1775 |
Gnorimopsar chopi |
Chopi Blackbird |
Icteridae |
no shading, only plotting the point (Pampas de Heath); "blip" of shading for the field guide map |
1776 |
Agelasticus xanthophthalmus |
Pale-eyed Blackbird |
Icteridae |
no shading, only plotting the points |
1777 |
Agelasticus thilius |
Yellow-winged Blackbird |
Icteridae |
1778 |
Chrysomus icterocephalus |
Yellow-hooded Blackbird |
Icteridae |
1779 |
Molothrus oryzivorus |
Giant Cowbird |
Icteridae |
1780 |
Molothrus bonariensis |
Shiny Cowbird |
Icteridae |
1781 |
Quiscalus mexicanus |
Great-tailed Grackle |
Icteridae |
1782 |
Sturnella militaris |
Red-breasted Blackbird |
Icteridae |
no shading, only plotting the points; "blips" of shading for the field guide map |
1783 |
Sturnella superciliaris |
White-browed Blackbird |
Icteridae |
horizontal hatching (austral migrant) |
1784 |
Sturnella bellicosa |
Peruvian Meadowlark |
Icteridae |
1785 |
Dolichonyx oryzivorus |
Bobolink |
Icteridae |
vertical hatching (northern migrant) |
1786 |
Carduelis crassirostris |
Thick-billed Siskin |
Fringillidae |
records from several sites converted to solid circles (specimen) |
1787 |
Carduelis magellanica |
Hooded Siskin |
Fringillidae |
1788 |
Carduelis siemiradzkii |
Saffron Siskin |
Fringillidae |
1789 |
Carduelis olivacea |
Olivaceous Siskin |
Fringillidae |
1790 |
Carduelis xanthogastra |
Yellow-bellied Siskin |
Fringillidae |
1791 |
Carduelis atrata |
Black Siskin |
Fringillidae |
added Tacna record |
1792 |
Carduelis uropygialis |
Yellow-rumped Siskin |
Fringillidae |
1793 |
Carduelis psaltria |
Lesser Goldfinch |
Fringillidae |
1794 |
Euphonia plumbea |
Plumbeous Euphonia |
Thraupidae |
no shading, only plotting the point |
1795 |
Euphonia chlorotica |
Purple-throated Euphonia |
Thraupidae |
separate Huallaga and Ucayali populations |
1796 |
Euphonia saturata |
Orange-crowned Euphonia |
Thraupidae |
1797 |
Euphonia laniirostris |
Thick-billed Euphonia |
Thraupidae |
1798 |
Euphonia cyanocephala |
Golden-rumped Euphonia |
Thraupidae |